Let's help each other develop  New Capacities for Action 

Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.

Peter Senge



The Knowledge Box - SendoAgil Blog


The Value Conversation

The North Star. For all the organizations, a major step in achieving their objectives depends on how well all the people connect, align, support and engage on The Value Conversation. But, what is “The North Star”?

The North Star, named Polaris, has been used for centuries as a part of navigation and wayfinding for generations. In the Companies, it’s more often than we allow ourselves to recognize, that many people don’t know where the company’s North Star is. As a consequence, the teams are n…

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Agile Mindset

We all love movies. In them, the protagonist faces a difficulty for which he is not prepared. During the middle of the movie, he trains, prepares and plans a strategy that will guarantee him victory, but, just when he is about to face the villain, something goes wrong and everything he planned falls apart.

He must quickly analyze the situation and, when it seems that all is lost, he understands the changes, adapts to the new circumstances and solves it. Everyone cheers his name and his triump…

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Mentalidad Agil

A todas las personas nos gustan las películas. En ellas, el protagonista se enfrenta a una dificultad para la que no está preparado. Durante la mitad de la película, se entrena, se prepara y planea una estrategia que le garantizará la victoria, pero, justo al momento de enfrentarse al villano, algo sale mal y todo lo que planeó se viene abajo.

Rápidamente debe analizar la situación y, cuando parece que todo está perdido, entiende los cambios, se adapta a la nueva circunstancia y lo soluciona.…

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How to Run Effective Team Meetings

Here are some tips on how you can make sure to always have an effective and engaging team meeting.


1. Have a Clear Agenda

It's quite important to have a purpose for each meeting, otherwise it might become a time waster for your team. What is the purpose of your team meeting? What do you want to share during the meeting? Is it beneficial for everyone? What do you want to come out of the meeting?

2. Determine Who Should Attend

Now that you know your meeting’s purpose, who do you think sho…

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5 tips

5 tips for a great Sprint planning Meeting


A successful Sprint depends on effective Sprint Planning. Here are five tips to making your Sprint planning as effective and efficient as possible.


1. Prepare with Backlog Refinement workshops

A well-prepared and prioritized backlog is the primary input to Sprint planning. Backlog Refinement is where we confirm that backlog items (Stories) meet the Definition of Ready. Most teams run a recurring Backlog Refinement workshop several days before the Sprint starts. And the Product Owner must…

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The importance of team meetings

Meeting are one of the most used social tools across the human history. In any company, the team meetings must be productive, inclusive, and collaborative. And trust me, it is a true challenge to accomplish it.

The meetings are the space where the collaborators gather, share ideas, feedback and learn from each other. Also, the meetings have a terrible reputation with people inside the company. If your company has meetings just for the sake of having them, then you are waisting valued time of …

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SendoAgil is committed into creating a community based on open collaboration with sharing of knowledge and practical experiences.

Eric A. Adames - SendoAgil Founder & CEO 

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