Let's help each other develop New Capacities for Action
Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.
Peter Senge
The Knowledge Box - SendoAgil Blog
Let's imagine a Chair
Let's imagine a chair. What color is it? Because the one I'm imagining is white, wooden and retro-futuristic in style, with no armrests. Is it the same chair you imagined? The math says no. And this is very important to understand.
Communicating what really matters
When I was a child, my mother constantly told me that "people understand each other by talking," and I believed her. With years of experience, I have learned that she was right, but it was a partial reason. In order to speak (meaning: communicate) we need to have several things first:
SendoAgil is committed into creating a community based on open collaboration with sharing of knowledge and practical experiences.
Eric A. Adames - SendoAgil Founder & CEO